When Marketing a Local Small Business using your town or city as a URL Domain, or as your main Keywords, will greatly increase your chance of appearing on the first page of Google Local, Bing Local, and Yahoo Local. This is the coveted spot for all Local Online Marketers.
Local Small Businesses get most of their clients from their local area. People want to do business with who they Know, Like and Trust. Using keywords that have a local town, city and state will get you listed where you want your customers to find you online and that is locally. Trying to compete for a first page listing nationally is much more difficult, but if you are looking for local customers, this approach is what you should aim for when marketing your local business online.
By adding your town, city and state in Title Tags, Site Description, Meta Tags, and through out in the copy a few times also in the last line of your post or site you have added valuable SEO.
Think about what your clients or customers might be typing into the search bar for your particular service or product.
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