Article Writing is a great way to get Backlinks to your site, create a list, or gain readers for your blog or site. This is a powerful technique for building your online business and reputation. It is also free exposure for your service or products business.
Writing a well -written article is key to getting listed on several ezines and on numerous websites. You quickly become known as an expert in your field which in turn gains you subscribers and possible customers.
Your readers will reach out to you when they need information, products, or services. This is one major way of establishing yourself online. You don't have to be a professional writer to start writing effective articles.
Here are some tips on writing articles that produce results:
1. Use plain easy to understand language.
People like reading light or skimming while browsing their favorite blogs and learning from them. If you make too difficult for them or too long of an article they will get bored or frustrated and leave.
2. Make it easy for your readers to find you.
If your readers have a question about your services or product, or if they are just curious or have a comment, have an easy to get in touch with you area that's accessible on your page.
3. Always advertise in the resource box at the end of the article and not in the article itself.
People don't want to read a sales letter pretending to be an informative article. They are reading for information or for learning. Place your info in the resource box and have them sign up for your free report, ecourse or newsletter there. You can always sell yourself later.
4. Write with your personality. If you are funny, interesting or a creative personality, let it show in your writing. People love a unique style and will trust you more if you are authentic.
5. Write about something they can use.
Providing useful information goes a long way for your readers. If you have resources add that to your articles. People will want to stay in touch and keep reading more from you in the future.
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